Schematic finalized
I am getting quite confident with EagleCAD and have “finalized” the schematic. I has been amazing learning to use the program. I have also been testing the light meter chip, BH1750, it is really really small, and I only had a big adapter board. It works but it has been a struggle. I wonder if it will be fast enough to know “on the fly” the exposure once the shutter opens.
I have also been testing the shutter with the SMD N-mosfet (AO3400) and PWM “power down” mode. I took this footage with the iPhone in slow motion.
I have also decided to use limiter resistor to lower the current in S9 and S8, since I have decided to use the Atmega at 3.3v to reduce power consumption. I have also decided to use a 16mhz crystal for timing stability. By the way the slow motion footage the delay is set for 45ms. I have to test how fast I can shoot realistically.
I hope to be able to manufacture some test boards soon…