Last summer browsing eBay searching for all things SX70 I came across this reel of 16mm film.
So quite a few news.
First of all I got the new assembled PCBs from PCBWAY and they look fantastic, and they...
Not only since I shared this post on Instagram but long before I receive frequent communications asking me how to participate in...
PCBWAY has been kind enough to sponsor the openSX70 project by picking the tab of a fair amount of my latest order. I am thankful.
I want to say something up-front, I love PolaroidOriginals, I appreciate that they let me use my SX70 cameras, full stop. Please feel my love.
I am off topic, but I wanted to share how I store and display my pictures. These are just some ideas, and I...
(see-through rendering of Jan’s dongle based on Origami)
The photographer Thomas Zamolo, has been kind enough to test the Prototype #3.5 openSX70 camera...
Santa has been really nice with the openSX70 lab, we got a new JBC soldering and desoldering station that is really really...
ALPHA 6.2.3
Yes, yes I am doing a giveaway to a fortunate reader of this page. Details later, down below.
From the very beginning I have been stating all the characteristics that (reallistically) I would like the openSX70 SX70 camera to have....
The other day Marco of AnalogThings decided to convert his best nice alpha SX70 into...
(the regular MiNT bar without the dongle of course)
I have build the first openSX70 prototype. Even though I had tested the flash something (I don’t know if it’s a design flaw)...
One day ahead of the scheduled date the new boards from JLCPCB have landed.
Of course I have to test them.
I have made a PCB design decent enough to send it for manufacture. Usually the PCBs are 1.6mm, and optionally 0.8mm, but I feel I need a bit...
I am getting quite confident with EagleCAD and have “finalized” the schematic. I has been amazing learning to use the program. I have also been testing the light...
I have managed to have a working prototype of the UPCD (ugly prototype control dongle). It connects to the camera via the flash socket yet the flash is...
Success!!! I have loaded a pack of SX70 film since I feel the shutter is pretty slow. First picture only got a very small portion on the bottom...