Joaquín de prada in Opensx70 2minutes

How I store and show off my cameras and photos

Fire image I am off topic, but I wanted to share how I store and display my pictures. These are just some ideas, and I don’t try to be exaustive or anything. I just explain some of the things I do.

Display photos

The awesome artisans at [Branca Ebenistes](] have made for me this shelves to display pictures. It install in such a clever way that no screws are to be seen. It is around one meter wide and has a slot at 3º. Thre results are incredible, one is laquered white and the other is wood. Thank you Jaume.

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Of course I also use the ingenious PolaStand that was gifted to me. Please check my post about it.

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The camera

I saw on the internet a picture of a block of wood with a 16 degrees slope holding a camera. I was massive, and, in my opinion, it was awesome.

So again Jaume at Branca Ebenistes made me one. It is one piece of wood.

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Long term storage

First of all check Marco’s video about storing Polaroids. I think he has some great ideas.

Ever since early 2017 I take at least one SX70 picture that I store. This came as a challenge on how to do it properly and systematially.

I ended up using binders, nothing speciall about them. Here in the EU they are A4. I like these because you can somehow customize them. But the key part are those (no shit) beer-mat holder sheets. I buy them bulk from a local manufacturer so it makes not much sense to list the brand. In any case I think they might not be made with the “proper” kind of plastic. So I expect them to be melting sometime in the future. I found better (as museum grade plastic or something) but the pictures don’t fit.

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Then for bulk storage I use the wood case that come with (really) nice wine bottles

Having said that I admit that the Impossible project SX70 binders were the best. Unfortunately they no longer make them.

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So this is it so far, if I come up with some other way to this I will update this post.
