Joaquín de prada in Opensx70 1 minute


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Earlier this summer I met with Ali and his wife Ayse in the wonderful town of Haarlem in Holland.

He is part of an active community of SX70 enthusiasts from all over the world. He told me about his idea, PolaStand of recycling the film packs to do a nice stand for pictures out of wood. I couldn’t wait!

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So I was thrilled when I got this package in the mail as a gift.

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When you look at it, you not only see that it is a beautiful, you can feel all the love and detail that has gone into making it, packing it, mailing it.

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I like tha PS: burned into the wood, I know it stands for PolaStand, but for me it also means P.S. as a final addition to a letter, in this case to the picture taking. Showing off your pictures is part of the picture taking, and there is no nicer way for do that than the PolaStand.

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So, thank you PolaStand!

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I like the way the documentation emulates the old Polaroid instructions manual.

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So head to the PolaStand website:
